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Senior/Junior Software Developer Full-time

Published at 2018-05-03 - Viewed: 2304 times - Proxmox Server Solutions in Vienna, Austria

Proxmox Server Solutions | Vienna ONSITE | Full-time (38.5 hours/week) or Part-time (>= 25 hours/week)

Proxmox Server Solutions is the backing company of the Open-Source Virtualization Platform "Proxmox VE" and the Open-Source Email Security Platform "Proxmox Mail Gateway". Both are based on Debian but with the essential packages maintained by us. We upstream work on Open Source projects we use, among others: KVM/QEMU the Linux Kernel, ZFS on Linux, Ceph and naturally on our own stack. Proxmox VE is the more popular project at the moment, it provides an easy to use web GUI fronted, but also CLI Tools and a powerful API, for managing Virtual Machines and Linux Containers. Further Storage, Network, Clustering, High Availability solutions are included.

Senior/Junior Software Developer: "":

You are able to work on related Open Source Projects, on our own existing Stack or invent something new (ideally Linuxish, Server related, we have battle tested common libraries, and knowledge there).

We work with people world wide and also have international customers. You can work on famous open source upstream projects, our own front- or backend. No big hierachies, your able to voice your ideas and concerns directly, if wished.

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