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System Administrator Full-time

Published at 2013-07-15 - Viewed: 4447 times - Open Technology Institute in Washington DC, United States

The Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation is seeking
applicants for the following position:

Position title: System Administrator, Open Technology Institute

Complete position description, qualifications, and application


- Design, create and maintain components of the OTI web based
- Extend operational capacity and implement internal procedures
following industry best practice.
- Support, maintaining and extending services based on the following
core technologies: Debian Linux, BIND, OpenLDAP, Saltstack, Libvirt,
LXC, rsyslog, Postfix, Dovecot, Mailman, dspam, Apache, Varnish,
Memcached, MariaDB/MySQL, Zabbix, backupninja, SOGo, ejabberd, git,
Redmine, Aegir, Drupal, Foswiki, OpenVPN.
- Documenting OTI infrastructure and systems
- Envision and architect new systems infrastructure to support new and
ongoing OTI projects.

This position is based in our office in Washington, DC, offering
generous salary package commensurate with experience and excellent

The Open Technology Institute strongly encourages applications from
candidates who are people of color, low-income, women, persons with
disabilities, over 55 or LGBTQ.

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