Développeur·euse Odoo/Python
2021-07-15 - at Coop IT Easy in Bruxelles, Belgium Full-time
This job ad has been posted over 40 days ago! (*)
Coop IT Easy is a worker cooperative with a social purpose. Our mission is to provide actors of the social economy with professional and open source IT management tools. Thanks to this cooperative, we support projects that work towards a fairer, more united and more sustainable world.
The idea of the cooperative was born from the BEES coop’s IT unit and then developed through COOPCITY’s Seeds program. The adventure started with four people: Virginie, Houssine, Robin and Rémy. The team then grew with the arrival of Vincent, Grégoire and Catherine.
Is this where you join the adventure?
We are looking for a colleague for at least 4/5th.
Coop IT Easy is managed democratically by its members according to the principle “one person = one vote”. After a probation period of 6 months, you will be proposed to take part in the cooperative and thus in its management. During these first 6 months, you will be accompanied in order to understand the strategic and financial stakes of the cooperative and thus take an active and responsible part in its governance.
Beyond your development job, you will be able – if you wish – to get involved in other aspects of the cooperative’s life. For example, Robin is in charge of inter-cooperation with other cooperatives, Houssine is in charge of recruitment and networking, Virginie is in charge of day-to-day management, and many other mandates are distributed among us.
We organize the internal functioning thanks to collective intelligence tools during daily and monthly meetings, GAs and greening. We tend towards pragmatic practices of self-management.
Coop IT Easy’s offices are in Saint-Gilles (Brussel/Belgium). Before covid, we usually teleworked one day a week. At the moment, we telework all week.
2021-07-15 - at Coop IT Easy in Bruxelles, Belgium Full-time
2021-07-15 - at Coop IT Easy in Bruxelles, Belgium Full-time