This job ad has been posted over 40 days ago! (*)
Published at 2021-02-27 -
Viewed: 1544 times -
Memri (
DevOps Engineer in an open-source project with a mission on privacy and owning your data.
- We do everything open-source, publicly, and engage heavily with the community
- We have a continuous improvement process where feedback is asked regularly and acted upon
- We are a flat organization. Any opinion or approach can be challenged, even if it comes from the CEO, team lead, or any other person around
- We invest in secure and private solutions – both for internal tooling and our product
- We aim for transparency (public company structure, public info pages, we’re moving to a public chat place at the moment)
Technical Requirements
You don’t have to know all of the technologies, but knowing one of the alternatives in most of the groups is good already (presuming you’d be willing to gradually learn anything else you might need):
- Take a leadership role in developing infrastructure to improve the speed of our organization
- We’re using Docker, but any container runtime experience is welcomed
- We’re using Docker-compose and aiming for Kubernetes, but any container orchestration technology counts
- We’re on Gitlab CI, but any CI experience would be good (Jenkins / Travis / CircleCI / Github Actions)
- Our staging is on DigitalOcean, but your cloud experience would be greatly valued (AWS / Azure / GCP / Heroku)
- Experience with any billing/payment system is a plus (e.g. KillBill)
- Understanding of security principles and hygiene
* Or security groups and firewalls
* Or access controls for services
* Or HTTPS termination and transit encryption
* Or container/instance/cluster hardening
* Or securing data at rest
* Or all of the above!
- General best practices: version control with Git, automation, code reviews
- Be available to apply coding when components do not work together out of the box yet (e.g. internal inter-connection components)
- Be open to communicate with the rest of the team on the choices and processes. Research directions and approaches together in a team, listening and being aware of the other side in a technical problem
We are a remote team but an office can optionally be visited in Amsterdam. We can provide visa sponsorship for moving to the Netherlands.